Traffic signal integrated rail - road

Wednesday - 16/12/2015 21:07
The railway (railway) north-south traverse 5 of HCMC district with 26 positions between rail crossings with roads always cause jams during peak hours at the intersection between road and rail. The road traffic jams at the intersection potentially unsafe, threatening accidents on rail traffic.
Traffic signal integrated rail - road

Traffic signal integrated rail - road

To ensure traffic safety and railways, Viet Nam Railway Corporation has conducted testing equipment installed automatic barriers at some crossroads.


It is time for a consensus so that the traffic signal in advance and choose the aisle ...

"Black Point" jams

There have been many cases by means of congestion overcrowded, creating psychological inhibition, many people have tried to cross the horizontal lines intersect with railways as Nguyen Van Troi Street, Le Van Sy Hoang Van Thu, Kha Van , QL13 ... And also many people fear traffic jams, missed flight lo ... has crossed the horizontal line (DN) at the right time to train workers and the accident happened ...

Meanwhile, in many SE central location between railway level crossings with road and rail traffic signal, road "buckled" together. Currently, at the crossroads, fell year, to regulate traffic both day and night due to warning lights system. However, with some roads near the railway intersections with no signal coordination concern to avoid traffic jams when a train is coming, sure vessels closed.

A real risk is that rail accidents coming close enough, but the flow of people passing back and see the green light to avoid waiting reporters vessel recklessly backlog. The result was not at the crash occurred because of a problem beyond this horizontal lines. In addition, to being "tilted" signal rail to road at traffic intersections between road and rail in proximity (or intersection with railway intersection, down five) also caused traffic jams.

While sure ĐN prevent road transport has played for passing trains, but still says road signal the green light to allow road vehicles are moving through SE, via rail. Without control Police force, ramification; when trains run through, certainly SE opened, will certainly be conflict, local traffic jams at intersections by 4 (or 5) flock Road SE direction.

Integrated signal lights

Mr. Nguyen Huu Thang, Director DSVN- said rail and road signals are not compatible. In 4 localities are examined, very little signal SE is synchronized between rail and road. There has been investment SE, extended but not surveyed for signal synchronization should jams still occur.

Viet Nam Railway Bureau has proposed and requested the local management units railways urgently review the report and immediately implement signal connection to ensure traffic safety. Viet Nam Railway Department will soon submit a draft circular on rail connections with the road signal to the Ministry of Transport for consideration and promulgation to definitively settle the situation on ...

However, according to Pham Van Son - Deputy CEO railway passenger transport company Saigon - Chief Safety Subcommittee HCMC railway order: Industry tried adjusting rail train running time to the minimum limit for trains in city rush hour to avoid jams.

Currently, only 4 trains running through the intersection between the railway and the road during rush hour. Action opens sure SE also provides corresponding time signal lights at the intersection of road traffic, typically from 1 to 2 minutes. However, because the consciousness of people in traffic when all want to pass before the ship arrives SE despite signals stop so often happens jams locally at intersections between road and rail.

To gradually overcome the congestion at this intersection in conditions not built up to intersections, local police are required to coordinate with security forces population, youth vanguard involved executive traffic at intersections above.
Rail Security Subcommittee has enhanced human HCMC at the intersections between road-rail during peak hours, summer, holidays, new year ...; tuning equipment SE sure, manipulation opens sure fast; Construction plans for solving the problem in the SE railway transport to minimize downtime ship; Steering units performed well coordinated work of communication to open certain specified time, avoid traffic jams locally at intersections in the city.

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